We aim to remove the complexity of a cloud migration. We have decades of experience moving services in out, and somewhere all about.
We aim to get you to the cloud faster, and avoid some of the common pitfalls organisations suffer when undertaking a journey to the cloud.
Sometimes you are in a bind with your existing infrastrucuture. Is it costing too much? Is it taking up too many man hours keeping it up. We aim to design systems that stay up, and reduce friction in getting a service up and running.
We have years of experience building wrappers in whatever language choice fits the project. We aim to make tools that help in getting to where you want to go faster. No 2 development teams are the same, so custom tools are often an expresion of automating business complexity. We translate that complexity to useful tools to aid both developers and devops engineers.
We try to elinate the it ran on my machine syndrome.
We aim to reduce the feedback loops when building complex software. Developers sitting around waiting for a test to run for 2 hours is not a good use of their time.
We have a wealth of experience in various technologies. We aim to bring your team into a learning and goal orienated way of thinking.
Our team is ever growing. We are always looking for talented individuals to work alongside us
Ryan has spent the majority of his career automating disperate systems.
If you would like to get in touch please fill out the form below.